Monday, 24 January 2022

Staff Augmentation VS Dedicated Team: Which one is for you?

The extent of development in technology has outpaced any other sector.

Organizations today face the dilemma of changing tacks quickly to keep up with the

latest. Hiring highly qualified IT experts also does not solve the issue, as you need to

match the unique needs of every project. In addition, it is a drain on the resources of

your company. Offshore hiring, in the form of a staff augmentation services model,

provides a gateway to access diverse skill sets, when you need.

Over time, IT staff augmentation services have grown in size and value. As per

Statista, the global Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO) revenue stood at USD

66.5 billion in 2019. This surge in demand has also led to different models of

offshore hiring shaping up. The most popular of them-- Dedicated Team, is looked

upon as a solution to employ a fully remote software development team wholly

focussed on the company’s project.

However, pitting it against staff augmentation solutions is common as both offer

similar advantages such as on-demand hiring, cost-effectiveness, and meeting skills

gap, among others. Understanding the pros and cons of both models will help you

know which one is better for your company.

IT Staff Augmentation Services Vs Dedicated Team

  1. IT Staff Augmentation: 

Staff augmentation services aim to fill the gaps in knowledge with skilled

resources to augment the capacity of the team. It was initially formulated

to meet contingent work demands but is a full-grown offshore hiring model


Best fit for:

Matching unique skill setsome projects require a specific skill set where IT

staff augmentation solutions work better to immediately fill the position with

experts in the area.

Extending team: when you want to augment the team capacity as the project

scope has grown bigger.

Access global talent: when you want to tap on the market knowledge and

perspectives of IT experts beyond the local region to work with your in-house


Strategic hiring: when you have a core team in-house but want to hire

strategically on a per-project basis to retain agility and meet peaks and lows in


II. Dedicated Team:

The concept of a Dedicated Team originated to overcome a primary concern in IT

staffing services-- the ambiguity posed by lack of clear leadership, teamwork, and

coordination. As the entire team comes from the same organization, the notions of

disconnect and its impact on team productivity are eliminated.

Best fit for:

New products or projects: when you need to keep up with fresh projects

coming your way or develop a new product without having to spare your in-

house resources.

Distributed teams: when you want to have distributed teams that can

collaborate with the in-house team and still work in unity.

Changing team composition: when you want the flexibility to change the

composition of the whole team of software engineers as the project

requirements alter.

Coordinated effort: when you want the whole team to work cohesively to find

a creative solution to problems or develop software.

Choose wisely!

It’s always better to be guided by the business goals to make the right choice. Both

the models have pros and cons, however, staff augmentation companies have

particular models tailored as per the needs of the customer. Several factors like

project length, confidentiality, and delivery time also play a critical role in decision

making. You can consider staff augmentation consulting before you actually sign

up for service.

Monday, 17 January 2022

Sip Or VoIP: Which One Should You Choose?

Although SIP and VoIP are not the same things, they are highly interwoven. A Voice over IP VoIP business solution does not require SIP to function while Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is simply one of the protocols that allow VoIP to operate in its full capacity. While VoIP is a blanket term to describe any internet-based telecommunications system, SIP is a specific type of - and also the most widely used - VoIP deployment.

VoIP development enables the sending and receiving of voice messages over the internet. On the other hand, SIP is not voice, not video, and not data – the protocol is not restricted to any one media. Also, while SIP has become synonymous with VoIP, it’s not an exclusive VoIP protocol.

While moving to internet-powered telecommunication is emerging as the right choice for companies, VoIP-only is not proving to be robust enough. What modern businesses are looking for is a unified communication approach that supports voice, text, conferencing, and mobility. SIP fills this requirement as it scales communication beyond voice-only calling.

SIP Vs VoIP: What’s the difference?

It is a common mistake to confuse SIP and VoIP, as both are internet-based telephone service technologies. Here are some key differentiators that enterprises can look out for.

● While VoIP is a type of telephone service, the SIP protocol is used to commence and end communication through VoIP or any other technology.

● If an enterprise requires voice-only communication, it is a sound decision to invest in a VoIP system. But as the demand for a superior unified communication platform grows, SIP is entering the picture as the primary facilitator.

How SIP strengthens VoIP systems

SIP’s popularity is soaring because it supports a wide range of communication platforms. Besides, it’s also easy to implement and manage. SIP empowers enterprises to become more productive by building on the strengths of their custom VoIP development systems and filling the gaps in communication.

There are many ways in which SIP adds value to VoIP.

● SIP enables enterprises to send files and documents easily. SIP adds video and data transfer potential to VoIP.

● With SIP, employees enjoy seeing crystal clear images on video calls.

● SIP allows network operators to gain more control over their services. Not only does it set up the initiation of contact between devices, it also allows users to add more parties to a call, or switch between communication methods.

SIP or VoIP: What is best for your business?

If you’re looking at switching to a VOIP Solutions Provider, the best place to start is to decide whether you need a voice-only solution or something with a wider scope.

VoIP is a budget-friendly, easy-to-implement solution that provides voice-based communication to enterprises. SIP enhances it by adding flexibility and the power of multimedia communication to it. Therefore, the choice for businesses should not be between SIP or VoIP – it is between VoIP or UCaaS.

If an enterprise has already adopted collaboration technologies, which are a primary component of unified communications, then they have a strong case for integrating the power of SIP to their VoIP systems. Applied together, the two provide a high-value communication option to organizations.

About Ecosmob

Ecosmob, provides the service to hire expert VoIP developers to design and develop an array of business communication solutions. With the right blend of expertise and decade-long experience, developers can deliver the ultimate business telephony solutions to enhance productivity and efficiency. Ecosmob assures flexible hiring models to help businesses cater to their requirements according to their needs and budget.

For more information visit

Sunday, 9 January 2022

How Staff Augmentation Can Boost Your Business?


Today businesses compete in a dynamic environment experiencing rapid

fluctuations in demand and manpower. Despite interruptions, they are expected to

maintain high standards in the quality of service, while keeping the costs under

control. Staff augmentation services help companies balance operational and

growth needs with the right talent in the most efficient manner.

The basic premise of IT staff augmentation services rests on hiring dedicated IT

resources who can immediately fill the knowledge gap in the project and become

productive from Day 1. For a company, this is a win-win scenario, as they are able to

benefit from specialized skills without the organizational and administrative hassle of

hiring a temporary or a permanent IT resource. Moreover, it affords the company

room to scale as per their need.

Who can you hire under the IT staff augmentation model?

Whether it is a start-up or a large enterprise, there is one element the organizations

continuously strive to keep up with— technology. However, the changing market

conditions mean investing in sustained upskilling programs. Keeping these aspects

in mind, choosing IT professionals from the talent pool of staff augmentation

companies makes sense, as developers possess an array of skills.

  • VoIP: FreeSwitch, Asterisk, OpenSIPs, WebRTC

  • Programming: PHP, Laravel, Node.js, Java

Frontend: React, Angular, Python

  • Database: Mariadb, MongoDB, RabbitMQ, MySQL, Redis

  • Mobile Apps: Kotlin for Android, Swift for iOS, Flutter, React Native

Normally, the process of hiring is straightforward which begins with filling up the

form. The engagement period varies from on-demand, short term, to long term

according to the requirement of the business and the IT staffing services deployed.

Key Benefits of Staff Augmentation

  1. Scale or pare down easily

Sometimes the scope of the project changes, mandating additional or less

resource deployment. The problem of matching the resources rightly with the

need and avoiding any overstaffing or understaffing always looms. With IT

staff augmentation consultation organizations can effectively roll out projects

managing workloads and expertise.

2.  Cost-effective deployment

Companies can cut down on costs of paying round the year to employees with

staff augmentation supported contractual staffing. Earlier cost reduction was

considered as an outcome, not taking boardroom time as the primary

objective of the organization. Now, in the pandemic-facing world, it has

become a priority. A survey by Deloitte on the outsourcing industry cited a

sharp rise in organizations looking to cut costs with 70% seeing cost as the

primary objective of outsourcing. A company also saves overheads in

recruitment, selection, and training.

3. Find specific skills

Often it is challenging to find the right talent who fits the bill. By expanding

your team with a dedicated software professional who has experience and

knowledge to run the project, organizations can benefit immensely.

4. Higher productivity

The right team member can help raise the productivity of the entire team and

improve the software development life cycle (SDLC). Expert professionals can

also bring new perspectives and ideas to take the business forward.

5. Expand your reach with a diverse team

A wider talent pool widens your reach as well gives you access to talent not

available in the local market or financially not feasible. At the same time,

diversity improves creativity and opens the door to innovation with the team

becoming a melting pot of ideas.


By outsourcing your IT work to skilled software professionals, companies can focus

on their core business. Employing staff augmentation as a flexible model of hiring

allows seasoned developers and programmers to run both short-term and long-term

projects as per the requirement. Access the right talent, when the organization needs


For more information visit:


Monday, 3 January 2022

How VoIP Changed the Telecom Sector

The telecommunication industry witnessed several technology transformations during the pandemic. As a remote work culture swept the globe, VoIP business solutions became a sought-after communication solution by organizations.

Internet-powered communications solutions offered by VoIP solutions provider are emerging as the buzzword in the telecommunication sector, as UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service) gains traction among corporations. VoIP is now the established, new communication standard, and with the mass availability of high-quality fiber broadband, and the cloud, businesses are increasingly shifting their processes to VoIP development company and cloud-powered collaboration and communication solutions.

In recent years, VoIP-powered phone systems have become popular as a solution that addresses the flexibility and accessibility needs of a modern workforce. Telecom giants like AT&T and Verizon have made mergers and acquisitions aimed at acquiring new technologies like online streaming and offering VoIP services.

The future of the telecom industry is moving towards automation, and VoIP is emerging as the dominant technology. How has VoIP changed the dynamics of the telecom industry? Let’s get a closer look.

  • VoIP has empowered the telecom industry to cater to a remote workforce.

The global workforce is no longer desk-bound and this has changed their telecom requirements. They need advanced softphones and other communication tools to boost productivity and enable collaboration on the go.

Communication channels like video calling, instant messaging, and presence tools are emerging as new ways to facilitate workforce collaboration. Legacy communication solutions don’t enable multi-layered and real-time collaboration. Advanced and intuitive solutions built by VoIP telecom companies offer end-to-end collaboration suites that modern corporations require.

  • VoIP telephony is enabling telecom service providers to offer tailor-made communication options.

Communication solutions should support a user’s unique needs, by offering additional telephony features like call transfer, the ability to merge and split calls, automatically record calls or even instant messaging, chat rooms, video conferencing, and screen sharing. VoIP telephony’s customizable solutions ensure these tools are within reach for users, improving efficiency, supporting mobility, and removing roadblocks to productivity.

  • VoIP has helped telecom brands provide the best user experiences.

A complicated communication system that is difficult to navigate will not provide the time-saving and productivity-boosting advantages that enterprises want. VoIP telecom solutions come with easy-to-use interfaces that enable users to easily access SIP calling and collaboration features that have the same UIs as the phone solutions they’re used to. This reduces the post-deployment learning curve and speeds up ROI.

  • When AI is added to VoIP, it gives enterprise communication a kick start.

Telecom companies are gravitating towards machine learning and AI, as these technologies help optimize back-end processes. When AI meets VoIP, it takes enterprise communication to another level. For example, the call centers can use AI to improve service delivery by providing self-help options that will lead customers to quick solutions. Using bots, AI can also foretell customer behavior and provide purchase insights. AI can also be leveraged for network capability improvements and providing seamless customer experiences.

To Sum Up

VoIP is leading the way for major technology changes in the telecommunication industry. This is due to diverse reasons. VoIP telecom services offer features that traditional telephone systems are not capable of doing. It is cost-effective and does not require heavy investments in physical infrastructure. It’s also becoming the go-to communication option as the gig economy grows and the changing nature of business requires enterprises to communicate anywhere in the world, at any time.

About Ecosmob

Ecosmob, provides the service to hire expert VoIP developers to design and develop an array of VoIP business solution. With the right blend of expertise and decade-long experience, developers can deliver the ultimate business telephony solutions to enhance productivity and efficiency. Ecosmob assures flexible hiring models to help businesses cater to their requirements according to their needs and budget.

For more information visit

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